
2 weeks prior:
NO Botox treatment or dermal fillers (it is optimal to receive permanent makeup before botox or fillers! You may get botox or fillers as soon as 1 day after permanent makeup).
7 Days prior:
DO NOT use Retinols/Retin-A, acids, or other products that say they increase sensitivity to the sun or reduce age spots.
24 Hours prior:
NO Alcohol, Asprin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, etc. (Tylenol is OK)

General After-Care

*If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 14 days after the procedure*

-NO EXCESS MOISTURE: NO steamy showers, swimming, saunas, etc. Do not submerge brows in water (other than wash routine instructions)
-DO NOT sweat! No strenuous workouts
-DO NOT expose brows to the sun
-DO NOT apply makeup to the brows (around the brows is ok)
-DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH flaking brows. Let any scabbing fall away naturally

DAY 14+
-Start using sunscreen!

Healing/What to Expect 

During the normal healing process:
DO NOT expect your permanent makeup to heal perfectly after only one session, this can be a multi-step process and some clients may need multiple sessions to achieve their desired result.

-Redness, swelling, scabbing, irritation, itching, and dry tightness may occur (typically feels like a sunburn.).
-Brows may appear too dark or slightly uneven/swollen. After 3-7 days the darkness will fade and once swelling dissipates unevenness usually disappears.
-Color change or color loss. As the procedure area heals, the color might appear lighter and sometimes seem to disappear, this is the skin going through its natural healing process.
-The most dramatic and visual healing and scabbing is usually done by day 14.
-The entire healing process takes approximately 4 weeks, when the final look/color of your eyebrows will be apparent. Then the process is repeated after the touch up appointment.

Touch Ups

Allow a minimum of 6 weeks to heal before coming in for a touch up. Initial touch ups can be booked between 6-12 weeks after the first appointment. 

After the initial sessions, it is recommended to come in annually for maintenance.

Recommended Annual Touch Up Schedule

Microblading: 9-18 months
Combo Brows: 12-24 months
Powder Brows: 12-36 months

Long Term Care

-Start using sunscreen! This helps minimize premature fading.

-Avoid using retinols or any products that are meant for lightening age spots, or increase skin sensitivity to the sun. Frequent use may cause the pigment to fade, or potentially change the color of the pigment over time.

-If brows appear faded after applying foundation/powder, use a q-tip to gently remove product from brows.

-Get your annual color touch ups!! This usually prevents the pigment from fading too much. When pigment continues to fade over the years, the color tone may change, or microblading strokes may not stay crisp. Our faces are exposed to sun, products, we consume supplements, medications, etc. that can all affect the longevity of permanent makeup. Annual touch ups are needed to keep brows looking fresh!


You will be unable to receive permanent makeup with any of the following conditions:
Under 18 years old
Pregnant or nursing Epilepsy/seizures
Pacemaker or heart conditions
Taking blood thinning medications
Taking immunosuppressants, undergoing chemotherapy Compromised immune systems
Uncontrolled Diabetes
Skin conditions in the eyebrow area: hyperpigmentation, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, moles, acne Prone to keloids (firm, raised areas of skin that form when scar tissue builds up after a wound). Hypertrophic scaring is different and is safe for tattooing.
Accutane use less than 1 year prior